📄️ Get Active Era
Returns the current active era to call payoutStakers with, collecting any rewards due (pays out the next 250 unpaid stakers for the staking era - callable until that era is emptied).
📄️ Get Era Election Status
Returns the status of the era election. While an election is open, all staking activities are suspended.
📄️ Get Staking Status
Returns the staking status of the given AvN account.
📄️ Get Staking Statistics
Returns the stats of the staking program on the AvN.
📄️ Get Validators To Nominate
Returns the target validator nomination list required to create first-time staker proofs.
📄️ Get Staking Delay
Number of eras to wait before executing any staking action.
📄️ Get Staker Rewards Earned
This can be used in two ways: