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AvN Gateway Changelog


🚀 Multi-Currency Payments

In this release, we have added support for multi-currency payments, allowing users to pay their Gateway service fees in currencies other than the native one. To enable this, we've introduced these two new fields.

  • When setting up/initialising the SDK, the options object can now take an optional property called paymentCurrencyToken. This should be the Ethereum address of the token, in Hex format.
  • When querying relayer fees, the function (getRelayerFees) accepts an extra mandatory parameter currencyToken. This should be the Ethereum address of the token, in Hex format.


🚀 New Batch NFT Query Endpoints


🚀 New NFT Query Endpoints


🚀 Cross-chain NFT transactions

These are cross-chain transactions given that they require communication between the Aventus parachain and the Ethereum blockchain during the lifecycle of the transaction.

🚀 Request State

  • Validating - This state is restricted to cross-chain transactions.


🚀 SetupMode

  • OfflineMode - Allows the API be set up in Offline mode, not requiring a SURI.


💥 Breaking Change

  • SetupMode - Modes in which the API can be set up in. Either Single or Multi user modes.
  • SigningMode - Defines if the API should expect an external signer for transactions.
  • Nonce caching - Allows the user to specify a remote cache via an INonceCacheProvider or to specify a local cache.
  • Log Level - Specifies how detailed the logs from the API should be.



  • getStakerRewardsEarned - Get the rewards earned by a staker. This can return either the total rewards earned by a staker or the rewards earned within a specified timeframe.


💥 Breaking Change

  • Remote Signer: Introduces the possibility to authenticate a user without requesting their SURI but instead trigger their KMS to sign an action via a http call.




💥 Breaking Change

  • User nonce now required when submitting transactions via JSON-RPC.
  • For non-JSON-RPC implementations, the relayer address can now be declared during initialisation and does not need to be repeated later in the code.


✂️ Split Fees

🚀 v8 New Feature

🖼️ Batch NFTs

  • mintBatchNft
  • createNftBatch
  • listFiatNftBatchForSale
  • endNftBatchSale


🚀 v7 New Feature


  • getChainInfo
  • getCurrentBlock
  • getSummaryData

💵 Staking

  • getEraElectionStatus

🔍 Query

  • getTotalToken


🚀 v6 New Features

💵 Staking

  • getActiveEra
  • stake
  • getStakingStatus
  • payoutStakers
  • unstake
  • withdrawUnlocked
  • getStakingStats

🔍 Query

  • getValidatorsToNominate
  • getAvnContractAddress
  • getNftContractAddress

🚅 Send

  • confirmLift
  • lowerToken

🧰 Utils

  • myAddress
  • myPublicKey
  • addressToPublicKey
  • setSURI

💥 Breaking Change

  • query.getNonce
    • getAccountNonce and getAccountPaymentNonce have now been merged into getNonce. Pass an additional nonceType argument, 'token' and 'payment' respectively. It also returns the nonce for staking and confirmation.
  • poll.requestState
    • Previously returned only the status of the transaction. Now returns a JSON that includes the transaction hash, transaction status, block number, and transaction index.


🚀 v5 New Features


  • getAvtContractAddress

💼 Account

  • getAccountPaymentNonce


  • getNftId
  • getNftNonce
  • getNftOwner


🚀 v4 New Features

🖼️ NFT

  • mintSingleNft
  • transferFiatNft
  • ListNftOpenForSale
  • cancelListFiatNft
  • Royalties


🚀 v3 New Features

🔍 Queries

  • getRelayerFees